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Vocational Training Options

Often the difference between a good job and the unemployment line is your exposure to vocational training which can come through career colleges and schools, on-the-job training, apprenticeships, and others.  There are many options available.  Some provide funding assistance, and others are private institutions that require payment of tuition and fees.  They are available throughout our district and Texas, with some of the links, information, and contacts to national, state, and local resources and organizations listed below.

Matching Skills / Traits to a Job That's in Demand

Seeking a job or career in a field where you already have experience or training can be a big enough challenge as an ex-offender.  However, when circumstances require you to seek a new job direction, it can be overwhelming to find employment in a field where there is a demand, and also a match to your interests, skills, aptitude, and/or criminal record. 

Some of the things to consider include:

Finding Equipment and Tools

Sometimes a job good paying job is just a few tools or equipment away.  Some job training programs help with tools and job placement after completion.  However, if you are not that fortunate, you may have to look for assistance.  Some churches or religious organizations are willing to help, if you have been regularly engaged with them in the past.

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