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Sex Offender Program


For purposes of this section, a sex offense is any offense requiring registration under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, 42 U.S.C. § 16911, et seq., including offenses punishable under 18 U.S.C. chapter 109A (Sexual Abuse), chapter 109B (Sex Offender and Crimes Against Children Registry), and chapter 110 (Sexual Exploitation and Other Abuse of Children), and similar state, local, tribal, military, and international laws.  If you have ever been charged or convicted of any of these or similar sex offenses, you will be subject to our sex offender supervision, monitoring, and treatment policies, expectations, and interventions.

Supervision of sex offenders is individualized based on risk factors, offense conduct, and prior criminal history. A sex offender may present a risk to the victim, as well as the community in general. Supervising sex offenders requires the supervision officer to make individualized case plans, establish collateral and community supports, assess and attend to ongoing supervision needs, and utilize evidence-based interventions. The desired outcome is to protect the community while reducing risk and recurrence of crime.

Supervision generally involves more frequent officer contacts, and very close coordination with treatment providers and local law enforcement in order to ensure compliance and minimize risk on new victims.  You will be expected to frequently provide detailed information on your whereabouts, activities, and associations.  

You are generally NOT allowed to report on-line with a sex offense conviction/arrest, AND will be required to submit the monthly supervision report form (English) or (Spanish), and send it to your officer, or bring it to the approved address, as well as the Sex Offender Supplement as part of the written monthly report.  These documents cover your current status, changes since last month, and level of compliance with specific conditions and requirements imposed by the Court. 

Also, be aware there are generally a number of special, restrictive supervision conditions that can be imposed on you by the Court that will likely inhibit your movement and activities, restrict who you are associating with, and limit your access to, or contact with, certain individuals and victims, materials, equipment, etc.   These show more common, typical special conditions and wording, but could include others based on your unique background, offense, and/or circumstances.


Most sex offenses require you to register and renew as such with the registration coordinator of the local law enforcement authority in your area as directed by the Texas Sex Offender Registration Law and Registration Program Rules.  his duty to register is to be done on the frequency and duration outlined in the statute based on your offense history, and will be verified by your officer regularly.  For verification purposes, see the registration verification links below. 

Also, effective September 1, 2000, registered sex offenders are required to apply for a special driver's license or personal identification certificate. It must be renewed annually until the offender's duty to register has expired.

Note:  Pretrial defendants are not required to register as a sex offender until they have been sentenced.  A plea or finding of guilt does not trigger registration.   

National Sex Offender Registry

Texas Sex Offender Registry

Sex Offender Treatment

Sex offender treatment is composed of a combination of individual, group, and family therapy whose detailed components are outlined in the treatment program requirements of the Texas Council on Sexual Offender Treatment. In addition, personality testing and psycho-physiological test devices (i.e. polygraph and penile plethysmograph) are utilized in conjunction with therapy to monitor activities, treatment progress/participation, self-disclosure, community risk, and overall program compliance.   You are expected to attend group sessions on a weekly basis, as well as individual counseling as indicated.